What are the golden rules of interior design?

Ideally, all rooms should follow this guideline. The 10-30-60 rule also applies to the use of color in space and describes an intelligent way to apply the chosen color palette. It involves choosing a dominant tone, a secondary tone, and an accent color. The rule dictates that the dominant tone should occupy 60% of the room.

It is usually a neutral color, although it depends on the effect you are trying to achieve. To understand how a space is balanced using appropriate scale and proportion techniques, including the golden ratio, it's a good idea to know the fundamentals of design. The golden ratio is a useful design rule related to proportion and scale that helps you create a vision of a room from scratch or to rebalance an existing space. The balance between positive (furnished) and negative (unfurnished) space in interior design, as mentioned above, will also help you choose furniture of the right size, allowing you to expand or reduce the size of a sofa or coffee table so that they are in proportion not only to the floor surface of the room, but also to other furniture.

It is often said that the most important thing are the details, and although the original quote was intended to apply to architecture, the same is true of interior design. We have established five of the “golden rules” for style and interior design that are easy to follow and will help you achieve the best results for your home.